G5486 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


5486charisma {khar'-is-mah} 从5483而来;TDNT-9:402,1298;中性名词 AV-gift 15,free gift 2;17

5)恩典或恩赐表示超自然力量,区分出某些基督徒及使得他们能事奉基督的教会, 由于神恩藉圣灵运在他们心灵之接纳

5486charisma {khar'-is-mah} from 5483;TDNT-9:402,1298;n n AV-gift 15,free gift 2;17

1)a favour with which one receives without any merit of his own
2)the gift of divine grace
3)the gift of faith,knowledge,holiness,virtue
4)the economy of divine grace,by which the pardon of sin and eternal salvation is appointed to sinners in consideration of the merits of Christ laid hold of by faith
5)grace or gifts denoting extraordinary powers,distinguishing certain Christians and enabling them to serve the church of Christ,the reception of which is due to the power of divine grace operating on their souls by the Holy Spirit